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Alternative Healing learn and share alternative therapies and home remedies. How to Make an herbal tincture. How to Make a sploof that will hide the smell of marijuana smoke.
Clear an obstructed airway on a child or infant. Make Your Own Resusable, Lasting Ice Pack for 30 Cents. Wrap up your broken toe at home. Perform First Aid on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree Burns. What is a burn? Give a bimanual pelvic exam. Learn the procedure for performing a bimanual pelvic exam of a female. Fix a minor head wound. Save Yourself by Falling on the Floor.
Keep your teeth healthy and brite. Floss for the best smile and healthy teeth and gums. Whiten teeth in one minute using household items. Whiten Your Teeth at Home for Cheap! Whiten yellow teeth at home with a lemon. Whiten teeth with cheap household items. This how-to video shows the best way yet to get whiter teeth using cheap household items! .
10 Ways to Get Rid of a Migraine Fast Without Any Medicine. The Top 5 Home Remedies for Treating Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Rashes. Make Black Eyes, Bruises and Hickeys Fade and Heal Faster in 5 Different Ways. Make Aspirin from a Willow Tree. Hack Your Brain to Stop Motion Sickness. Get rid of a sore throat with yoga breathing exercises. Incredibly tiny in size, sp.
5 Natural Ways to Remove a Crick in Your Neck. Understand the Process of Inflammation. Draw blood with a butterfly needle. Youre Taking a Crap Wrong! This Is How You Poop Properly. Catheterize a female and male with a Foley catheter. Draw blood with three different phlebotomy techniques.
Overcome the Introvert Quiet Way of Life. 1 Hour Ocean Sound for Relaxation, Yoga, Meditation, Reading, Sleep, Study. Use the shower to relieve stress. As we get older there are so many things to remember just as our memory seems to get worse. Watch this how to video to learn a few trick that will help you improve your memory.
Become a fruitarian and eat a healthy raw fruit diet. Prepare Young Athletes on Game Day with Good Nutrition. Make a Pre-Game Meal Plan for Youth Sports Players. Make a Nutritional Meal Plan for Youth Sports Players. Make a Simple Superfood Shake. Gain weight after radiation therapy. Make a delicious protein shake. In this tutorial, we learn how to make a homemade delicious protein shake! Learn how .
Care for and water marijuana plants. Make a non-toxic clay pipe for smoking marijuana. Make your own tobacco pipe for less then a penny. Roll a Perfect Cone Joint, Every Time. Make a bong out of any plastic bottle.
Sexual Health Male sexual health and womens sexual health. How to Use a female condom. How to Perform a bimanual pelvic exam of a female. Everything You Need to Disable in Windows 10. How to Perform a pelvic exam. How to Secretly Track Someones Location Using Your iPhone. How to Put on a Condom.
Vision and Hearing medical help and general tips for ear and eye health. Think You Might Be Tone Deaf? This Online Musical Test Will Diagnose You in Minutes. No Iron, No Problem! The Trick to Hea.
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