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Autodesk 3ds Max a community for aspiring 3D animators using 3ds max. How to Create a frosted glass shader in Mental Ray. How to Create 2D lines and shapes in 3ds Max 8. The Secret to Making Strawberries Taste Like Candy. How to Make compound shapes in 3ds Max. How to Use the morph modifier in 3D Studio Max.
Adobe Acrobat a community for giving and getting help on Acrobat software. How to Edit form fields in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. How to Remove sensitive information from PDFs in Acrobat 9. How to Model a Leaf in Maya. In this tutorial, we lea.
Adobe Fireworks a how-to community for web designers using fireworks. How to Use the Clone Tool in Fireworks 8. How to Create 3-D perspective boxes in Adobe Fireworks. How to Replace colors in Fireworks 8.
Adobe Flash a how-to community for web designers using flash. How to Create and use a virtual camera in Flash CS4 animation. How to Prevent your image from pixelation by smoothing out your bitmap in Flash. How to Change the pivot point position in Flash.
Adobe GoLive wysiwyg - a place for html editors still using golive. How to Take advantage of GoLive page templates. How to Export HTML from InDesign via GoLive. How to Create CSS-based link rollovers for websites in GoLive. How to Create more com.
Adobe Illustrator a how-to community for vector graphics artists. Check out the WHT rules before submitting any content to this World. How to Make a rainbow in Adobe Illustrator 5. How to Create your own fonts and types in Illustrator. How to Map photos to 3D objects in Adobe Illustrator CS3.
Adobe InDesign a how-to community for artists and designers using indesign. How to Create pagination in Adobe InDesign. How to Build complex layouts in Adobe InDesign CS5. How to Turn Your Favorite Snack Food into Seasoning.
Adobe Premiere a community for video editors making movies with premiere. How to Create a crazy rumble and flash effect using Premiere Pro. How to Create a muffled sound or radio sound in Premiere. How to Create a video web banner in Premiere.
After Effects a community for motion graphic designers using after effects. How to Create cartoon animation with After Effects. How to Duplicate elements in After Effects. How to Simulate a flickering light using After Effects. Hi folk, I got th.
Batch rename image files in Adobe Bridge. Make a flash picture gallery with Adobe Bridge CS4. Manage your media in Adobe Bridge CS5. Use Adobe Bridge and why. Edit Adobe Bridges layout and interface. Use collections in Adobe Bridge. In this video well take a look at how to create your search criteria once and use it over and over again with dynamic Collections. The Bridge is about to get a whole lot smarter in helping you find exactly what youre looking for. Check out this Terry Whites video now! Not onl.
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